We believe there is always more than one way to do anything and over the years, our willingness to be guided by our clients has opened up fresh possibilities and continued innovation. Though we consider ourselves to be experts in the provision of scaffolding supply and installation, we are keen to allow the flow of information to be inward as well as outward. We also make a point of staying informed of new developments in scaffolding products and installation methods, OH&S legislation, safety compliance and other aspects that improve how we do business.
In addition to scaffolding, Five Star can provide
- Qualified onsite workforce
- Swinging stages
- Man and Material hoists
One point of contact, one set of administration
Occopational Health & safety
Occupational Health & Safety is uppermost in our minds in all that we do. It begins with thorough training of all our personnel to ensure every manager, yard worker, delivery driver, supervisor and installer is competent in fulfilling their own OH&S responsibilities. We demand accountability on the part of all our team members to perform their duties within the framework of OH&S directives.
Equipment condition
Five Star Scaffolding is committed to using only high quality materials and equipment and inspecting their condition following removal from each job. We clean and efficiently store and transport all products in a manner that protects their structural integrity. Any item that does not pass inspection and that is deemed to be damaged or in any way unsafe is discarded from our inventory.
Our equipment is tested and verified to be compliant within Australian Standards.
Upon request, Five Star Scaffolding will provide both Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) and Handover Certificates.
Workers Compensation : 100890301
Public Liability : B0621CFIVE000218
A ‘competent person’ is one who is suitably qualified, adequately trained and appropriately experienced for the particular class of work described. Five Star Scaffolding ensures that all personnel involved in the planning, loading, transportation, unloading, installation and removal of scaffolding equipment is sufficiently trained and experienced in their relevant tasks. Keeping our staff safe provides the flow-on benefit of keeping our clients, their site personnel and those in the vicinity of the site safe as well, which benefits us all.
Our team
Our team is comprised of a highly experienced group of professionals who have functioned successfully in construction and in particular, the scaffolding industry for many years.
Five Star Scaffolding is managed by a dedicated and thorough team who make it their business to ensure that from the top down, all work is carried out with efficiency and professionalism. From initial enquiries, our personnel provide effective project management to deliver prompt quotes and to engineer custom solutions that will suit the requirements of each job.
Yard personnel
Upon request, Five Star ScaOur inventory yard is presided over by experienced workers who take great care to ensure the tidiness and safety of our stock so that it is always maintained in top condition and ready to go when required..ffolding will provide both Safe Work Method Statements (SWMS) and Handover Certificates.

Community & sponsorship
Five Star Scaffolding is a company with community spirit. We enjoy being a part of our local community and contributing to its growth and success.
Community support
One way that we do that is by employing young people who are looking for fulfilling jobs and careers. Being a part of a scaffolding team instils a sense of camaraderie as all members of the team have to work together for the good of each project. We take experienced and inexperienced applicants and provide them with comprehensive training in scaffolding skills, working at heights, Occupational Health & Safety, first aid and a number of other important skills. We demand commitment and diligence and in return, we provide a safe, healthy and rewarding workplace in which they can grow, build friendship networks and aim for career advancement.
We are always eager to be seen as supporting various community initiatives, such as our sponsorship of important organisations and causes.
Five Star Scaffolding are proud to be associated as a Sponsor for the very important Westmead Children’s Hospital and in particular, the Bandaged Bear Appeal. We also make regular donations to the Australian Red Cross and we will also be assisting children’s cancer charity, Camp Quality throughout 2016 and beyond.
We hope that by setting an example as a corporate sponsor and benefactor, we may prompt other businesses to seek out charities and other valued organisations and provide financial assistance or other tangible support
By its very nature, our business is to provide a safe, level platform upon which our clients’ trades can transit over the construction site and move their plant, materials and tools around with ease. It is important that we set the example for others and behave diligently with regard to safe work practices at all times.
Any scaffolding installation is only as good as the quality of the products used. There is no room for compromise. Five Star Scaffolding utilises only those products that satisfy the applicable Australian Standards.
Choosing to operate competitively does not mean compromising on quality. We are able to compete on price because of our expertise in devising cost-effective solutions, because we employ our own workforce instead of outsourcing costly agency labour and because we own our entire inventory of scaffolding materials.